How Long Does Social Security Disability Take to Approve
This is a question that nearly every applicant for Social Security disability or SSI disability will ask. Unfortunately, there is no one good answer.
What Disables You?
Some individuals have very serious impairments claimed on their disability applications that will immediately result in faster approvals (small percentage of the cases). Examples of clear cut cases include amputations, cancer, organ failure, and blindness, to mention a few.
Waiting on Medical Records, this is up to your treating doctors. The slower they are to responding to medical requests, the longer it will take to get your case reviewed. It can be beneficial to remind your doctor than medical requests are coming, and cooperation would be helpful.
Depends on the Disability Claims Examiner, each examiner has a different amount of cases to review; obviously, the less cases they have the faster your case will be reviewed. They are only human; each examiner may see your case in a different light, with a different income.
More Detailed Information Results in Better Results, better information offers better results. It is very important for claimants for Social Security disability and/or SSI to indicate all of their medical treatment sources on their disability application. Include the names of doctors who provided treatment, the addresses of treatment facilities (hospitals, doctor’s offices, etc.), and the dates of treatment. This will make it easier for the examiner to put your case together for review.
Keep in mind, medical providers can’t charge for copying medical records used to apply for disability. If possible, provide medical records as early as possible.
If you have a serious illness that’s listed on the compassionate allowance list, a terminal illness, or one that qualifies for presumptive disability benefits, Social Security will expedite the processing of your claim.
Ultimately, denied applications that are appealed, can take about a year or more.