These SSD and Workers’ Compensation cases are a sample of successful settlements we achieved for our clients.
Social Security Disability
Female in an administrative position suffering from severe pain resulting from carpal tunnel syndrome and related back issues found herself unable to continue full-time work in her specialized field.
A favorable determination resulting in this client receiving $48,000.00 in back pay plus $2,200.00 a month social security disability benefits.
Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability
Male employee injured his shoulder in a workplace accident caused by faulty machinery.
A settlement in the amount of $130,000.00 and monthly social security disability benefits.
Workers’ Compensation
Male landscaper working at the job site injured his back during a lifting event.
A settlement in the amount of $90,000.00.
Social Security Disability
A young veteran suffering from Post-Traumatic-Stress-Syndrome resulting from his time served in the Middle-East found himself unable to work a full-time position.
A favorable determination resulting in this Vet receiving $68,000.00 in back pay plus $2,400.00 per month social security disability benefits.
Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability
24-year-old young man working on a road crew was injured while on the job.
A settlement in the amount of $240,000.00 plus monthly social security disability benefits.
Social Security Disability
This young man in his 20’s became extremely ill with the H1N1 Swine Flu Virus and was unable to work for 18 months.
A favorable determination was made giving this man social security disability benefits in the amount of $27,000.00 in back benefits for the time he was fighting for his health again.