Fibromyalgia and Social Security Disability
By gotdenied-administration-November 20, 2014
Social Security has not always recognized fibromyalgia as a medically distinguishable illness. Many people suffering with chronic fatigue and pain were being denied, mainly because the medical community could not really offer specific testing to render the diagnosis. Recently Social Security has taken a closer look at the illness, and realized the symptoms are very real and disabling. However, winning these cases are not as clear cut as injuries, such as spine trauma, which can show up on MRI findings. We have to approach fibromyalgia with different methods, which will require the support of your doctor. Most of the time we need special forms filled out by your doctor to support your inability to perform daily activities. We have had increased success over the years by approaching fibromyalgia cases slightly differently than other cases that offer clear cut findings. Fibromyalgia can be difficult to diagnose, so we have to offer findings in the medical records, along with specialized forms, that may not be used in other cases. The process can be very involved. If you would like to know more about the recent changes in Social Security, as they relate to fibromyalgia disability, or discuss free of charge how we can help you apply, please call us toll free, or send us an email in the information box, and we will contact you shortly.